- Economic Dissions That business That You Really Need
- Air (Oxygen)
- Food
- Clothes
- Water
- A House (shelter)
- A job
- Things you want
- Music
- Laptop
- Clothes
- Jewelry
- Vehicles
You are given one million dollars what will you do with it?
- Save it
- Invest it
- Buy some services with it
- Hire an investor
- Take Vacations
Economic resources
Natural resource
All things made by the earth
- Human Resources (Labor)
- Teachers
- Public servants
- Firefighters
- Policemen
- DMV worker
- Tools
- Computers (what you're using now) -Victor Squire 1/26/09 9:05 AM
- Factories
- Tools
- The Internet
- E-mail
- Office Buildings
- Limited resources
- We don't have many of these
- scarcity affects everyone
- Many aren't affordable because of wages ,pay, of families
- Like teacher can't afford anything a doctor can because of scarcity.
- Government can also be affected because of scarcity
- How to make economic dissions
- define the problem
- identify the chooses
- Evaluate the advantages
- Think of your solutions
- Act on your dission
- Review your dission
Economic Measurements
- What Consumers ,Business and Governments Spends
- GDP per Captia
- GDP per person
- The Business Cycle
- Prosperity
- Who want to work are working and wages are good !
- Business produce goods and services in record numbers !
- Recession
- Demand begins to decrease and business lower production and unemployed begins.
- Depression
- Weak Sells Business failures and GDP fail rapidly.
- Recovery
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